Sunday, February 22, 2009

For Sir Alex...

THIS short piece is for Sir Alex, regular TRBA reader, who has been proding from his post in Athens for some youtube clips. It's a little late and it's been edited (by 6 passes), but the TRBA goal of the season I wrote about here, is here (the second Perth goal). Fat chance of me writing about the EPL standings at the moment Sir Alex.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you Mr TRBA.
I actually trawled the net after you raved on about the goal and found it.
I agree with you that a team goal is always better than a 30 yard screamer(see CR7's free kick vs blackburn yesterday).
Regarding the premier league. I purposely put off responding to this article until AFTER your beloved 'pool, dropped more points at home vs man city. Thats 10 draws to date and only one loss but you guys still trail ("us")THE CHAMPIONS by 7 points now.
Come on, a little acknowledgement of the team that my 'namesake' continues to put together. can it get any better?
Yes it can. 5 trophies would be nice. We'll have to wait and see what transpires (personally i think we'll get 3 of them)

Mon Feb 23, 04:03:00 am AEDT  
Blogger The Round Ball Analyst said...

....We'll have to wait and see what transpires...

hopefully not much!

and i think this will the first time i support internazionale since brehme, klinsmann and matthaeus were there!!

Mon Feb 23, 09:01:00 pm AEDT  

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